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Contact us or leave us a message – we would love to hear from you. Our church email address for more information – office@lithgowbaptist.org.au
Get in touch2nd January Contempt of Heaven Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
9th January Support Mike Broadley
16th January Worship Rev John Buckle
23rd January The Revelation of God Rev John Buckle
30th January Revelation An Introduction Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
6th February Vision of Christ Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
13th February To The Church in Ephesus Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
20th February To the Church in Smyrna Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
27th February To the Church in Pergamum Matt Dickson
6th March To the Church in Thyatira Matt Dickson
20th March To the Church in Philadelphia Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
27th March Self-Control Allan McLennan
3rd April The Crucifixion Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
10th April Getting Things in Order Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
15th April Good Friday – Why? Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
17th April Easter Sunday – Empty Tomb Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
24th April I Have Seen the Lord Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
8th May The Throne Room Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
15th May 7 Seals Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
5th June The Woman and the Dragon Jenny Hanslow
19th June Braving the Beasts Jenny Hanslow
26th June Bowls of Wrath Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
3rd July Trust Matt Dickson
10th July Refuge Matt Dickson
17th July Peace Matt Dickson
24th July Fallen is Babylon Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
31st July With Justice He Judges Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
7th August The Final Judgement Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
14th August The New Cosmos Jenny Hanslow
21st August New Jerusalem Pt 1 Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
28th August Return to Eden Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
4th September Coming Soon Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
18th September Power to Forgive Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
25th September Glorious & Gracious God Leon Tan
2nd October Joy Allan McLennan
9th October A New Way Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
16th October Messiah Heals Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
23rd October Left to Rot Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
30th October Travel Light Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
13th November Fearless Confession Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
4th December Miraculous Humility Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
18th December Set Apart Rev Nathaniel Hanslow
25th December The Birth of Jesus Rev Nathaniel Hanslow